Sunday, November 20, 2011

Skin Care Tips for Winter

Winter is the season of hot tea and chilli fritters, of trendy jackets and Christmas parties, of snuggling into quilts and waking up late. But the sad part is that winter is also the season of chapped lips, dry skin, and messy hair. But it need not be so. With the proper care and a few easy precautions, you can beat the winter blues and keep your skin fresh and beautiful all year through.

According to Dr. Shehla Agrawal of Mehak, The Derma and Surgery Clinic in New Delhi, "A good skin care regime begins with adequate cleansing. Toxins from the body and pollutants from the environment give the skin dull look, soap is good to remove oil for teenagers but later skin becomes dry. So, use a face wash or wipe of cleansers at least 3 times a day.”

In winters, most people have the habit of leaving out the sunscreen because of the illusion that the sun is not so harsh. This is not true. Dermatologists around the world recommend the use of sunscreen like toothpaste. Every day. And especially in India, where the sun can be especially tormenting, sunscreens are an everyday essential. Keep one in your handbag, and apply regularly. Accidental exposure to sun can cause immense damage to the skin.

It is also important to moisturise. So, figure out your skin type and make sure you use the appropriate moisturising cream. Says Dr. Agrawal, “Different skin types need different ones choose from creams for dry skin, lotions for normal skin and gels for oily skin, always moisturize 10 minutes before stepping out and include the neck areas.”

In winters, we have a tendency to drink less water as it is cold and we don't feel as thirsty. But it is important to drink enough water to keep the skin hydrated so that it remains supple and healthy.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Why do Diabetics have Dry Skin?

Most often, the associated repercussions of diabetes are feared more than the disease itself. Primarily there are two types of diabetes. Type 1 is characterised by the inability of the body to produce insulin and Type 2 is known to occur in patients whose body mechanisms are not well equipped to use the insulin produced suitably.

Diabetics would often suffer from certain serious health conditions which are known to be side effects of this killer disease. Some of the most common ones include sexual dysfunction, cardiac arrests, stroke, digestive problems, irritability, and increased fatigue. However, the most visibly obvious side effects are skin rashes, white patches and itchy skin. Primarily, diabetes is known to be responsible for dry skin.

Without suitable and timely treatment, dryness of skin can often lead to complications akin to ulcerations, specifically on diabetic foot. This can also lead to complete loss of sensation in the feet of the patient.

Dry Skin in Diabetes Patients—Causes and Treatments

The reasons responsible for the occurrence of dryness of skin in diabetics are as follows:
  • High blood sugar level is common in diabetic patients. When the blood sugar level rises, the body tends to lose fluids excessively. Naturally, some it is also lost from the surface of the skin as the moisture evaporates. This leads to excessive dryness and resulting itchiness.
  • Dryness and itchy rashes may often be the aftermath of skin infections. Often, high blood sugar will make the body less resistant to infections. Therefore, the chances of infections are higher than those healthy people.

How to treat dry skin in diabetics

  • Dryness of skin in diabetics can be treated primarily by attempting to regulate the blood sugar level in patients.
  • There are prescribed drugs which need to be consumed as per the doctor’s advice.
  • Patients suffering from severe diabetes are advised to resort to insulin injections in controlled dosages. Injecting insulin is known to be a better way of treating diabetes than resorting to oral medications, which are known to possess harmful side effects in certain cases.

There are suitable treatment options available for treating the specific skin conditions as well. Some of them might include simple measures such as regulating the moisture in the air and reducing bathing to a minimum. However, doctors also prescribe specific medications for external applications and oral administration. The dryness of skin can often lead to serious conditions such as eczema. Therefore, proactive treatment is mandatory. In addition, the doctor will also advise a healthy diet and might also suggest complete abstinence from certain food items.

Diabetes is a relatively complex health condition and needs to be adequately monitored with utmost vigil. Neglecting the apparent symptoms might sometimes lead to life threatening complications. Therefore, if you happen to suffer from dry skin which has stemmed from diabetes mellitus or diabetes incipetus, seek medical care at the earliest.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Best Age to have a Baby

There are number of factors that must be considered before making decision to have a baby, age is one of them. By knowing the ideal age to conceive you can increase chances of smoother pregnancy and healthy baby. Best age to have a baby depends on factors such as fertility, psychological state of mother and economic security.

Optimal Age to have a Baby

When seen from medical standpoint, women’s 20s is the best time to conceive. Women have best physical opportunity to conceive between 18 to 25 years. In this age women is more likely to deliver infant with least amount of physical problems.

Experts are of view that woman’s fertility peaks at 24. But when a woman turns 25 her fertility decrease and so do the chances of getting pregnant. However, women still have fair amount of chances to get pregnant till their early 30s.

Majority of women consider 25 to 35 years to be the best age to get pregnant. Reason being that till this age most of them have desired economical security and practical experience of life. Women at this age are stable enough to provide physical, emotional and economical support to their baby.

Experts are of view that women must get pregnant before she reaches the age of 35 as it become extremely difficult to have baby after 35.

According to the American Pregnancy Association, decrease in women’s fertility starts from early 30. In addition, women younger than 35 years have 15 percent chances of miscarriage. This risk keeps on increasing with the age of women .i.e. 20 to 35% in women aging 35 to 40 and 50% in women aging more than 45 years.

Getting pregnant at 40 increase risk of many health complications and is risky for both the mother as well as child. Women who try to conceive after 40 mostly need fertility assistance to get pregnant.

Factors to be considered before planning your pregnancy:
  • Before making decision to have a baby it is important to consider your health. Make sure that you are healthy enough to conceive, deliver and take care of baby.
  • You must be prepared to deal with the financial cost as well.
  • Both the partners must be emotionally prepared for the decision to have a baby.
  • It is equally important to consider the impact on careers of both the partner.