Breast Tenderness during pregnancy |
During the
pregnancy state, you might have noticed
your breasts feeling a little tender to touch. It may be difficult for
you to walk up the stairs, jump at the gym, or even while sleep on the
stomach. Breast tenderness is so annoying, and is quite painful
sometimes; it is a part of pregnancy period.
How occurs
Breast Tenderness during Pregnancy?
Breast tenderness is common during the pregnancy. It is one of the very
first signs of pregnancy which resembles that you are pregnant. Breast
tenderness implies the breast soreness, breast swelling, and sensitivity
that you feel in your breasts at the time of pregnancy. Normally, this
breast tenderness begins between the fourth and sixth week of pregnancy,
which continues through the first trimester. Most of the women found
that breast tenderness disappeared in the second and third trimesters,
obviously you may notice your breasts do feel sore throughout your
What Causes Breast Tenderness during Pregnancy?
Breast tenderness occurs during pregnancy as a symptom of all the
changes that your body is undergoing during pregnancy. Since your
breasts should be prepared to feed your baby, and therefore they should
grow and develop, which causes breast swelling and breast soreness of
the breasts. Breast tenderness is caused due to increase in secretion of
hormones occurring during the pregnancy. To prepare and feed the baby,
body functions physiologically to increase its levels of estrogen and
progesterone hormones. This increase in hormones causes the blood to get
into the breasts thus making them more sensitive to touch.
The breast tissue also begins to modify physiologically such that it
functions as required. This means that Milk ducts and milk-producing
cells will begin to form to synthesize milk, causing your breasts to
grow straight thus breast straighten and change breast shape. That is
why most pregnant women have their breasts straightened. More fatty
layers will begin to develop under your breasts, which will likely cause
your breasts to increase in size. All these factors contribute to the
breast tenderness, breast soreness, and breast swelling that most
pregnant women experience. This increase in breast size and straightened
breast with nipples projected out are the signs of breast tenderness at
the time of pregnancy.
Symptoms and signs of Breast Tenderness during
Pregnancy period
The severity and intensity of the Symptoms and signs depend upon the age
and how many children you have given birth. Younger women and
first-time pregnant women tend to experience more breast discomfort due
to breast tenderness. Following are some symptoms that are experienced
by the pregnant women:
1. Increase in size of the breast up to two cup sizes.
2. Noticeable veins are found crisscrossing the breasts which resembles more blood rush into the breast vasculature.
3. Highly sensitive nipples which are sensitive to touch and produce good feeling when touched.
4. Burning pain in the breasts due to rapid growth and breast straightening and blood rush.
5. Some sort of heaviness in the breast and nipples due to blood rush and breast straighten.
6. Breasts and nipples are itchy causing always to press and rub.
7. Breasts feel a sense of tingling and throbbing during sexual intercourse
How to Take Care of Your Tender Breasts during pregnancy?
Breast tenderness can really get you down sometimes,
One should follow the following tips to keep the breast comfortable
without throbbing tingling sense and also to avoid the breast pain.
1. Wear the bras of actual size you need that fit properly.
2. Go to the professional at your department or
maternity store to get an accurate measurement of the bra size that fits
correctly and properly which relives to some extent and makes the
breast comfortable.
3. Try to wear cotton bras, which allow the breasts to breathe easily than other bras do.
4. Don’t wear underwire bras – they can press into
your breasts and restrict the blood flow which may more tenderness than
making comfort.
5. Wear a bra designed specifically for working which is useful during the exercise.
6. During night when felt breast soreness, try wearing cotton sleep bra.
7. Buy a bra whose size is a couple of sizes larger
than you need at the moment. Which correctly fits your breast into it
due to breast tenderness and growth?
8. Always take a bath with warm to relieve from breast swelling.
9. When you feel throbbing or hot in your breast apply a cool cotton cloth at the area to relieve from the symptom.