Sunday, March 23, 2014

10 Pregnancy Symptoms you should Never Ignore

Would you ignore a sudden ache or give a 3 a.m. call to your doctor? Here is a list of symptoms that must be returned with an appointment with a doctor. If, however, you are experiencing an unusual change in the body, which is not listed here, don’t ignore giving that important call to your doctor. 

Some of these symptoms are urgent depending on your health history or particular situation. Ask your doctor or midwife to review the signs that warrant immediate attention.
  1. Spotting or vaginal bleeding.  
  2. Your baby makes constant movement inside the womb. This, of course, applies to the time of pregnancy when your baby has grown enough to start moving. Ask your practitioner or midwife if you must monitor the baby’s activity by counting the kicks. The practitioner or midwife will tell you how to count and when you must give him/her a call.
  3. Change in the type of vaginal discharge or increase in its quantity. After 37 weeks, the increase in vaginal discharge is normal and is an indication that you will go into labour soon. Call the doctor when the discharge is watery, bloody or mucousy.
  4. Pelvic pressure, abdominal pain or a feeling that your baby is pushing down. Lower back pain, especially if you are experiencing one for the first time. More than four contractions in an hour before 37 weeks. Excessive and prolonged menstrual cramping.
  5. Little or no urination; painful or burning urination.
  6. Visual disturbance such as blurry vision, double vision, flashing lights, dimming, excessive floaters or sports in your field of vision. Headache accompanied by slurred speech, blurred vision or numbness.
  7. Persistent or severe cramp in the legs or calf that does not ease despite flexing the ankle, pointing the toes towards your nose or walking around. Watch out for any swelling on either leg. If one is more swollen than the other, call in your midwife or doctor.
  8. Persistent itching of the torso, legs, arms, soles or palms, which is intense and does not go away despite constant rubbing.
  9. If you are nearing the due date, ask your midwife to review the signs of labour so that you can avail medical facilities beforehand.  
  10. Vertigo, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, breathing problems, coughing, chest pain etc that lasts for a long period and frequents in the middle of the night.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Reasons behind Abdominal Cramping in Early Pregnancy

Pregnancy comes with many complications. Women have to discern the difference between normal aches, pain and cramping and one that need more attention and the assistance of the doctor.

Cramping during pregnancy can either occur as an indicative sign of upcoming complications or simply as an indicator of stretching of the uterus. Women in early pregnancy often imagine cramps to be signals of impending miscarriage, though there are a number of other causes some of which are explained below:


In the initial weeks of pregnancy many women experience pain similar to the one experienced during menstruation; this is mainly due to completion of implantation. Implantation cramping is an early sign of pregnancy and is not noticed until the pregnancy is confirmed. It is experienced when implantation takes place in the womb and continues till the newly formed foetus attaches itself to the uterus' wall.

Being an early indication of pregnancy, implantation cramps brings to you the good news. So, don’t take stress about them, instead welcome them with happiness and get ready to receive your baby.

Stretching of Uterus

From the first trimester of pregnancy, your body is constantly preparing itself for the baby to come, making the uterus to expand and stretch so as to make space for the baby. As the uterus stretches. the supporting ligaments and muscles also stretch. This causes mild cramping that usually lasts short-term, but if cramping is constant and severe, you must talk to your doctor about it.

Gastric Problems

Problems associated with gas and constipation is commonly present during pregnancy and are the associated cramps. If you are suffering from gastric problems, you may experience cramping. Same goes with constipation during pregnancy.


Miscarriage is one of the main causes of cramping during pregnancy, however, mild pain in the lower abdomen must not be confused with the symptoms of miscarriage. It is only when cramping is accompanied by spotting or vaginal bleeding that it becomes a sure sign of miscarriage.

Ectopic Pregnancy

Severe cramping is a common symptom of ectopic pregnancy (complication of pregnancy wherein the egg implants itself on the outside of the uterus). If you experience cramping and abdominal pain along with bleeding, immediately take medical assistance.

Even though mild cramping is expected during pregnancy and is considered healthy, if you find that it has become intense or uncomfortable, consult your doctor. He/she will help to clear all the associated worries and provide proper treatment in case of any problem.

How to Increase Emotional Intimacy

Emotional intimacy is about accepting your partner with his or her faults. Being close or intimate to a person means that you do not fear value judgement in his company and at the same time, you can be yourself. Emotional intimacy is important because you get acceptance, respect, admiration and feelings of self-worth mutually. It would be great if you knew ways to work on it and make it better.

Ways to Increase Emotional Intimacy

You would be surprised to know how certain games can actually increase emotional intimacy between you and your partner. Just look at your partner for 15 minutes from a distance of 3 to 6 feet. You two should have already agreed to do it without any distractions. You might feel like looking away or laughing but persist. Keep looking until you become a little comfortable.

    Do not underestimate the importance of gestures such as touches and gentle pats. The constant reaffirmation of caring and affection that only partners share helps a lot to increase intimacy. It would be a good lessen to your children too, if any. It will give them a message of security and wellness.

    Observe little things about your partner and tell them about it in casual chit chat. It may not always be loaded with romantic assertions. Just show that you are interested in him/her.

    Learn to notice what your partner says or when he/she offers something to you. Do not let past baggage ruin the present. Always show gratitude in accepting the offers and do not give messages that have a bearing in the past.

    Spending time alone is very important for maintaining and increasing emotional intimacy. It could be anything, such as a walk in the park, talking about how the day went, a devotion session with reads from Holy Scriptures and even being silent together. They play their part in improving psychological intimacy between partners.

    If you are one of those who are not conscious about your partner’s need to give vent to feelings, grow wiser. People want to be heard more. They may not always want a solution from you but just need to feel that you are there for her.

The tips given here for increasing emotional intimacy are not exclusive by any stretch of the imagination. If you are mature and caring for your partner and want to take your intimacy in this relationship to the next level, other ways will surely come up in your mind.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

10 Early Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy

Though the early pregnancy symptoms are the same as a lot of other medical conditions, there are some signs unique to pregnancy.

If you are able to recognize those, it is time get it confirmed with a pregnancy test.

Delayed Menstruation – If your menstruation does not occur at the time it was supposed to, it is one of the signs of pregnancy but not conclusive. Many other factors can delay menstruation such as hormonal disturbance, fatigue, excess weight gain, giving up birth control medication or stress. In order to make sure and relieve your mind, take a home pregnancy test.

Nausea – Nausea is caused in pregnancy by hormonal changes from 2nd week onwards to the 8th week after conception. Other causes can be stress, food poisoning or stomach disorders.

Sensitive Breasts – Sensitivity in breasts is a commonly found first sign of pregnancy. The breasts become tender or swollen after one to six weeks after conception. Breasts also become sensitive one week before menstruation. So, if you find your breasts tender and it is not quite one week to go for menstruation, it can be one of the early pregnancy symptoms.

Unbearable Fatigue – Due to rise in progesterone, women start to feel unbearable exhaustion many times during the day. It can start from one to six weeks after conception. You should ensure that such fatigue is not due to a common cold, exhaustion by overexertion, stress, depression or any type of mental strain. See your doctor to test for pregnancy or other medical conditions.

Headaches – Frequent headaches are very common throughout pregnancy and they can start right after conception. Other causes of headaches can be many. It needs to be checked whether the headache is due to high estrogen level after pregnancy or because of other reasons.

Backaches – One of the side effects of pregnancy can be backache. It is mostly experienced in the second trimester but some women report it early too.

Craving for Food – It has been often heard in Hindi movies that a woman asking excitedly for imli (tamarind) is supposed to be pregnant. But the craving need not be for intensely sour foods such as tamarind. It could be dairy products, potato chips, a variety of pickles or any other food that tempts the pregnant woman. Craving for food can also be due to depression, stress, approaching menstruation or simply poor diet.

Darkening of Areola - If the round darkened area around your nipple (areola) becomes darker still, it can be due to pregnancy. Hormonal disturbance can also cause this and it is advisable to discuss this with your doctor.

Frequent Urination – After around 6 to 8 weeks of conception, the baby starts to put pressure on the bladder and makes you urinate more often.

Sure Sign – If you have missed period and it is accompanied by nausea, tender breasts and fatigue, you can be reasonably sure that these are indeed early pregnancy symptoms. Get yourself tested immediately.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

High Blood Pressure Can Be Much More Dangerous Than You Think.

A fluctuating high blood pressure can secretly damage your body. If you fail to keep a check on it and not care much to provide treatment, you may end up being disabled and having an unhealthy life. There are very few symptoms or signs of this disease which makes it even more dangerous. High blood pressure can occur at any age and can last for a lifetime.

Here are some risk factors of high blood pressure which can harm you enormously if not treated.

Damage to Arteries

Healthy arteries in your body are strong, flexible and elastic. The inner linings of the arteries are meant to be smooth so that the blood flow is easy and all organs receive the desired amount of oxygen and nutrients. High blood pressure can cause the inner walls of your arteries to become thick and stiff, making the movement of blood in the body difficult.

Damage to Heart

The heart performs the function of pumping blood to the entire body. Hence, it is very necessary for you to have a healthy heart. But, if you have been ignoring high blood pressure, your heart will have to face the consequences. High blood pressure affects the coronary artery which supplies blood to your heart. Due to high blood pressure, the artery stops functioning properly and this hampers the flow of blood to the heart. This may cause irregular heartbeats and chest pain.

Damage to Brain

Just like the heart, the brain also needs a proper supply of blood to function correctly. But, high blood pressure may cause your brain to be deprived of proper oxygen supply and essential nutrients. This may lead to stroke and damage of brain cells. High blood pressure can also cause weakening of brain’s blood vessels.

Damage to Kidneys

High blood pressure can damage the two large arteries leading to your kidneys which often results in kidney failure. This would mean that your kidneys would no longer be able to filter the waste from your blood and the dangerous fluids may accumulate in your body. The only cure to this would be dialysis or kidney transplantation.

Damage to Eyes

High blood pressure may make a person lose his vision. Loss of vision often starts with blurred vision in the initial phase. Therefore, it is always recommended that a patient with high blood pressure get his eyesight checked at regular intervals.

Blood pressure is the most popular cardiovascular disease. It is a silent killer and you must not avoid treating it after being diagnosed.

Monday, March 3, 2014

अंगूर एक ऐसा फल है जो विश्व के लगभग सभी क्षेत्रों में दिखायी पड़ता है

अंगूर एक ऐसा फल है जो विश्व के लगभग सभी क्षेत्रों में दिखायी पड़ता है और बहुत से लोग इसे अत्याधिक पसन्द करते हैं। अंगूर बेल में फलता है। तथा मांसल और पौष्टिता से भरा होता है। इस का ७९ प्रतिशत भाग पानी होता है तथा इसमें विभिन्न प्रकार की शर्करा, लवण और लाभदायक तत्व होते हैं।
अंगूर एक सुगंधित लता वाला फल है। अंगूर की पांच जातियां - तीन हरे और दो काले रंग की होती हैं। अंगूर में भस्म, अम्ल, शर्करा, गौंद, ग्लूकोज, कषाय द्रव्य, साइट्रिक, हाइट्रिक, रैसेमिक और मौलिक एसिड, सोडियम और पोटेशियम और क्लोराइड मेग्नीशियम आदि होता है।

अंगूर फल भी है और आहार भी और हलवे की भांति मीठा और स्वादिष्ट है। अंगूर को केवल एक लाभदायक फल नहीं बल्कि इसे एक सम्मपूर्ण आहार की संज्ञा दी है। वर्तमान काल में भी आहार विशेषज्ञ, अंगूर खजूर बल्कि किशमिश को एक सम्मपूर्ण आहार बताते हैं जिससे शरीर के लिए आवश्यक तत्वों की पूर्ति होती है इस आधार पर मनुष्य थोड़े से अंगूर या किशमिश खाकर, शारीरिक व वैचारिक गतिविधियों के लिए बड़ी मात्रा में ऊर्जा जुटा सकता है।
अंगूर फल एक ऐसा फल है जिससे कई बीमारियों को दूर किया जा सकता है, फलों में अंगूर सर्वोत्तम माना जाता है। अंगूर बलवर्धक और सौन्दर्यवर्धक फल है। अंगूर ऐसा फल है जो रोगी को उस वक्त दिया जा सकता है जब रोगी को कोई भी खाद्य पदार्थ खाने की मनाही है। अंगूर को खाने के कई लाभ हैं। आइए जानें अंगूर से सेहत कैसे बनाई जा सकती है।
1 - अंगूर में पानी की मात्रा अधिक होती है और इसके साथ ही इसमें शर्करा, सोडियम, पोटेशियम, साइट्रिक एसिड, फलोराइड, पोटेशियम सल्फेट, मैगनेशियम और लौह तत्व भरपूर मात्रा में होते हैं। जो कि व्यक्ति को स्वस्थ रखने में लाभकारी हैं। अंगूर के सेवन मात्र से बहुत से रोगों से निजात पाई जा सकती है।
2 - अंगूर आंखों के लिए भी बहुत लाभकारी है और यह रक्त की कमी को भी दूर करता है।
3 - शोधों में भी साबित हो चुका है कि अंगूर हृदय के लिए अत्यधिक लाभदायक होता है। गौरतलब है कि अंगूर में एक ऐसा रसायन पाया जाता है, जो हृदय को वृद्धावस्था के प्रभावों से बचाता है।
4 - अंगूर एक कम कैलोरी वाला आहार है जो व्याक्ति को लंबी आयु देता है और व्यक्ति वृद्धावस्था में भी जल्द कदम नहीं रखता। यानी व्यक्ति एकदम फिट रहता है।
5 - अंगूर में ए, बी, सी जैसे विटामिन और पोटैशियम, मैगनेशियम , आयरन और फास्फोरस जैसे तत्व पाए जाते हैं। जो कि शरीर को स्वस्थ रखने में लाभकारी है।
6 - चोट लगने या खून बहने की स्थिति में यदि शहद के साथ अंगूर का जूस मिलाकर दिया जाए तो रक्त की कमी को दूर किया जा सकता है।