Sunday, September 25, 2011

How Sleep Position Affects Sleep Quality

Do you sleep on your back or your stomach? Do you sleep all night or do only fitfully? The way you sleep could be the explanation of how and how much you sleep, say experts.

There isn’t really one correct way that is doctor recommended for sleep. It is widely accepted that you must not change your natural way of sleeping unless there is a medical necessity. The human body tends to unconsciously find the position that is most comfortable for it. But it is possible for certain problems like sleep apnea, snoring, headache, heartburn and back trouble to become worse because of the way you sleep.

Most people tend to only sleep in a particular position every night and tend to find other positions uncomfortable and even sometimes painful. Sleeping in positions other than their natural one tends to make their sleep restless and disturbing.

People tend to choose their position of sleep based on the level of comfort in breathing. If the airway in the throat becomes smaller, he sleeper tends to favour sleeping on the stomach. It is recommended that snorers and those with sleep apnea should not sleep on their backs. The recommended position for such people is on their side as it keeps their airways open. Research has shown that sleeping on the left side can help in relieving heartburn symptoms, while right-side sleeping could make them worse. Doctors have also recommended that sleeping on the left side during pregnancy helps improve circulation to the heart, which is good for both the mother and the baby.

It is very important to get adequate sleep at night, without which the body keeps feeling tired the next day, and can reduce your productivity and creativity. Therefore a good night’s sleep is very important. Your mattress can also be an important factor in determining your sleep pattern.

In the end, it is best to sleep the way you are most comfortable. If you have a problem like sleep apnea or snoring, try a different position in consultation with your doctor.

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